Welcome to your interactive science experience. You will be able to view lessons, copy worksheets, and get review work from this interactive website. Also, this website will have links posted for you to follow to gain a more in-depth understanding of the topics that we cover in class. Now, scroll thorugh, click on the links, send me emails and enjoy! (pg ref. from SCIENCE POWER 9 McGraw-Hill textbook)

Thursday, October 28, 2004


Today we discussed the following topics.

10.2 Energized and De-Energized charges. Pg 330 - 332.
Please note the formula on pg 331.
Follow the example on pg 331 using the GRASS method.

10.3 resisting the Movement of Charge. pg 337 - 338, 342.
Please copy the chart on pg 342 into your notes.
Please not the formula on pg 338.
Follow the example on pg 338 using the GRASS method

Please complete the following:
pg 336 # 1 - 5
Pg 342 # 2-5

Current and Potential difference worksheet
Resistance Workseet (do not do question # 9 )

Please ask a student to copy the worksheet given or please see me in my workroom on your lunch period. Workroom #7

Friday is Notre Dame's HALLOWEEN DAY,
for all those who volunteered to cut and create our 4 pumpkins, please make sure you have paper, markers, knives and spoons to cut out the jack o'lanterns.
Please use the comment section to discus what as a class out 4 themed pumkins will be. Remember you will have to bring any costumes or materials to do the theme as well.


  • At 5:57 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks for puttin the work on the wrebsite Mr.Smith! uh oh..... i left my science at scholl. AK! not good.

  • At 7:37 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What theme are we doing for the pumkins?

  • At 11:18 p.m., Blogger Mr. V. T. Smith said…

    Pumpkin carving will begin when ever you get there! I will be in the class at around 7:25 am or so. Door will be open, pumpkins ready and maybe some treats as well too.

    See you all in the am.
    (12:13am presently)


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