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Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Asexual reproduction in Plants

Today we continued learning about asexual reproduction but specifically within the Plant kingdom.

Unlike many animals plants continue to grow throughout a lifetime. This is aachieved by the roots and stems of plants which contain an area where growth occurs called meristems.
In the meristem, unspecialized cells undergo miotic division repeatedly, creating new cells.

After a certain period of time these meristem cells ( general cells) become specialized to form into root, or stem, or even leaf cells. Then at this point those specialized cells do not undergo anymore divisions.

Because of these meristem celss, plants can be tricked into reproducing easily.
A unique plant or tree can be cut and hundreds of identical offspring can be grown from just one plant. There are multiple ways for plants to reproduce asexually. Cuttings, Layering, runners, grafting, roots, and tissue cultire.

For a greater understanding of these reproduction methods please refer to pg 36 -40 in your course textbook.

Review today's overhead notes, read pg 36 -40
Answer # 1- 5 on pg 40
Review all of chapter 1 for Monday's Test

Tomorrow is a microview lab day and it must be complete by the end of the period.
Please read it in advance. It is in the course kit.


  • At 3:15 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I was wondering if you could give me some information about how plants reproduce from the leaves?


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