Plant Sexual Reproduction (Thursday lesson)
Plants as we know can use asexual reproduction to create an identicla plant, however plants also need variation inorder to survive in nature. There are two general types of sexual reproduction in the Plante Kingdom. Angiosperm- flowering plants, and Gymnosperm - cone producing plants.
Angiosperms are plants that produce a flower which has both male and female sex organs. Unlike a hermaphadite a plant can selfpollenate and produce its own offsprin, as well as produce different offspring due to pollenization from other plants, called cross fertilization.
Please read through the text and take small notes. Use pg 60 - 71.
In course kits please fill in the blank diagrams of the plant organs and also the fertilization stage of plants. Fill in the blanks withthe help of pg 62, and 63 from text.
** Note the parts of the seed, and fruit.
Pg 71 # 1-5.
Plants as we know can use asexual reproduction to create an identicla plant, however plants also need variation inorder to survive in nature. There are two general types of sexual reproduction in the Plante Kingdom. Angiosperm- flowering plants, and Gymnosperm - cone producing plants.
Angiosperms are plants that produce a flower which has both male and female sex organs. Unlike a hermaphadite a plant can selfpollenate and produce its own offsprin, as well as produce different offspring due to pollenization from other plants, called cross fertilization.
Please read through the text and take small notes. Use pg 60 - 71.
In course kits please fill in the blank diagrams of the plant organs and also the fertilization stage of plants. Fill in the blanks withthe help of pg 62, and 63 from text.
** Note the parts of the seed, and fruit.
Pg 71 # 1-5.
At 6:50 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
wut do we have 4 h/w its not posted on the site 4 today
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