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Monday, December 13, 2004


Menstration is the cycle of an egg being released form the oavry once a month. Approximately 1 egg every 28 days. it varies depending on the individual female. We know that hormones are chemical messengers sent out to tell the body to perform specific tasks. The menstration cycle has 4 key hormones.

FSH ( folicle stimulating hormone)
LH (leutenizing hormone)

Each of these plays a unique and specific function in a feedback loop to ensure that the female body is able to take care of an embryo once fertilization has occured. I ffertilization of an egg does not occur, this is when a female experinces menstral flow. Simply this is the uterine lining breaking down and blood flowing out to rid the body of unwanted tissue.

Please read the following pages in the textbook pg 85 - 90


Please use your course kit pg 53-56 some students have labelle dit differently.
There are two charts you can use to understand the two options that occur for a female during ovulation.
1. The path in which the body and hormones take if an egg becomes fertilized.
2. The path in which the body and hormones take if the egg is unfertilized.
** know these two paths and understand tehm fully**

Please answer the following questions on pg 90
# 1 -6. we will take up and discuss these tomorrow.
Tomorrow we will learn about PREGNANCY 3.2 in text and The development of a fetus throughout the three trimesters of birth and eventually how birth occurs. (3.3 in text)


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