Welcome to your interactive science experience. You will be able to view lessons, copy worksheets, and get review work from this interactive website. Also, this website will have links posted for you to follow to gain a more in-depth understanding of the topics that we cover in class. Now, scroll thorugh, click on the links, send me emails and enjoy! (pg ref. from SCIENCE POWER 9 McGraw-Hill textbook)

Thursday, December 16, 2004


Well it was a very fair UNIT TEST today.

No worries though, tomorrow is a fun filled day of games, chatting, and some little treats.
Dan don't worry Big fella, I'll save you some for when you get back.

Best wishes all of you and your famalies during the Christmas Break.

If you need any questions answered during the break about culminating tasks, just drop me a line, but don't forget to have some fun too. That's what this time is for. Family, Firends, and good times.

from Mr. Smith

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Differentiation and Birth

The development of a human being is a lengthy and intricately detailed process. In escence a miracle of life. The human body starts to develop at different times and different parts as well. This is called differentiation. Simply the single cell ( zygote ) undergoes miotic division and produces the thousands of cells that create us into a unique organism. THis simple cell makes multiple identical copies of itself and then they by become specialized cells. We discussed this earlier in the unit on how we get individual cells with specific functions.

Today in class you were given a handout to each of the 3 trimesters. This will help you understand the development of a fetus in each of it's tissue and organ developments.

Birth is not just one final act. It is actually made up of three differnt stages.
Stage 1. Dialation:
Uterine contracts, cervix opens, amniotic fluid breaks and may last between 2 to 20hrs.
Stage 2. Expulsion: The contractions become stronger and the baby is pushed out through the cervix and birth canal.
Stage 3. Placenta: The placenta and umbilical cord are expelled from the mother. This happens 15 min or so after the baby is born.

Please answer all the questions on the sheet pertaining to Differentiation and Birth.
Note the chapter 3 questions at teh bottome of the page. Start those tonight and you can finish some in class tomorrow.
You will be given more UNIT REVIEW questions for class while I am on a feild trip. Remeber Practice makes perfect, or as close to it as you can get.

(You know who you are!)
See you on Thursday for the UNIT TEST.


Dan, I recieved your phone call today. Take the time to recover and don't stress about the Unit Test. You and I can make alternative arrangements after the CHristmas break. You just get better form surgery and concentrate on having a good Holiday.

If you need anything just write on the Blog and I can get back to you!
Feel better soon.

Monday, December 13, 2004


Menstration is the cycle of an egg being released form the oavry once a month. Approximately 1 egg every 28 days. it varies depending on the individual female. We know that hormones are chemical messengers sent out to tell the body to perform specific tasks. The menstration cycle has 4 key hormones.

FSH ( folicle stimulating hormone)
LH (leutenizing hormone)

Each of these plays a unique and specific function in a feedback loop to ensure that the female body is able to take care of an embryo once fertilization has occured. I ffertilization of an egg does not occur, this is when a female experinces menstral flow. Simply this is the uterine lining breaking down and blood flowing out to rid the body of unwanted tissue.

Please read the following pages in the textbook pg 85 - 90


Please use your course kit pg 53-56 some students have labelle dit differently.
There are two charts you can use to understand the two options that occur for a female during ovulation.
1. The path in which the body and hormones take if an egg becomes fertilized.
2. The path in which the body and hormones take if the egg is unfertilized.
** know these two paths and understand tehm fully**

Please answer the following questions on pg 90
# 1 -6. we will take up and discuss these tomorrow.
Tomorrow we will learn about PREGNANCY 3.2 in text and The development of a fetus throughout the three trimesters of birth and eventually how birth occurs. (3.3 in text)

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Human Reproductive Systems.

Reproductive Systems and Anatomical parts.
( Friday Lesson)

All organisms must grow and mature from an embryo inot an adult who can procreate to carry on the species. Human are no different. The name of the development form a child to having the capability of sexual reproduction is called puberty. Puberty is simply hormonal changes in the body. The secretion of hormones signal changes in the body chemically and physically inorder to help produce or mature gamete cells.

Please read in your textbook pg 80-85.
PLease fill in the blanks in your course kit where the anatomical structures of the male organ and female organs are. You can use your textbook to help.
Make sure you know the specific function of each structure.


**Monday we will continue to look at hormones and changes specifically in the female menstral cycle. You will also be asked to complete pg 90# 1-5


Plant Sexual Reproduction (Thursday lesson)

Plants as we know can use asexual reproduction to create an identicla plant, however plants also need variation inorder to survive in nature. There are two general types of sexual reproduction in the Plante Kingdom. Angiosperm- flowering plants, and Gymnosperm - cone producing plants.

Angiosperms are plants that produce a flower which has both male and female sex organs. Unlike a hermaphadite a plant can selfpollenate and produce its own offsprin, as well as produce different offspring due to pollenization from other plants, called cross fertilization.


Please read through the text and take small notes. Use pg 60 - 71.
In course kits please fill in the blank diagrams of the plant organs and also the fertilization stage of plants. Fill in the blanks withthe help of pg 62, and 63 from text.
** Note the parts of the seed, and fruit.
Pg 71 # 1-5.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Today in class we discussed how we are different in apperance and sometimes in structure from our parents. Yet at teh same time we look like both of our parents. We carry similar physical traits or even personalities as they do. The reason is we get genetic information form both parents. Each human being is made up of 46 chromosomes. 23 are from your mother, 23 aref rom your father. These specialized cells are called gametes. the male produces a gamete called sperm, while the feamle produces a gamete called an egg. When they meet they become fertilized and produces a zygote cell. This is the begining of life!

In class we discussed how a cell divides its 46 chromosomes into two diploid cells in meiosis I, and then in meiosis II it again changes it's arrangement to only have 23 chromosomes in each gamete. ( see text pg 48 -49 for further details). This was demonstrated with our handout on spermatogenesis, and oogenesis. Important material to note!

Please read pg 46-50 on meiosis to clarify today's lesson form class.
Please read pg 51-59 on sexual reproduction in animals.
Complete the handout on sexual reproduction in animals from the text book.
Pages were labelled on handout.

Please take detail on the CYCLE of life. pg. 52.
This sequence is very, very important.

You will be asked about the following in tomorrows class, so make sure you are ready to be questioned.

General notes:
( please print off ta copy for yourself to have a copy for class!)

For sexual reproduction to be successful you need
a) Both male and femal gametes to meet at the same time, place, for fertilization to occur.
b) the zygote must recieve enough food, moisture, warmth, and protection to develop.

Fertilization only happens if a sperm meets and egg, of the same species.
a) A moist environment is needed so the egg and sperm do not dry out.
b) so that the sperm can swim.
c) to keep the egg cell membrane moist so sperm can penetrate it.

There are 2 types of fetrilization. External and Internal.
Please make sure you read the appropriate pages listed in home work (51-59)

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Here is what you needed! Sorry it's a big blog but it will help to complete the lab.

Today in class we used the microviewers to look into the world of asexual reproduction among a variety of organisms.
As a class you did not finish the lab within the time given as it was a long lab. Here are the last few areas that you will need to fulfill the assignment for the written portion of the lab. All students were to complete the drawings and labels for each organism during class time.


Molds do not contain chlorophyll to help make their own food so they must depend on outside sources for food. One particular mold loves baked goods for it’s nourishment, so it has been called “bread-mold”.

Growth begins when a spore falls onto a piece of bread. With the right conditions the spore grows quickly developing a mycelium consisting of many white, branching threads of living protoplasm. The slide shows these structures penetrating the bread. These threads digest and absorb food for the organism.

In the meantime other threads grow upwards for reproductive purposes. These are called hyphae (hy-fa). Atop of each hypha is a ball shaped sporangium (spore-case). This darkens in colour as it ripens. This ripe spore-case cracks open and spores are released. Spores are carried by winds until they fall on a favourable spot. Then the cycle begins again


Ferns also produce spores. “S” shows several sporangium stained-purple.
When conditions are right the spores are released. However, these spores do not turn into a fully developed fern like the one that produced it. Instead, it grows into a tiny, green, heart shaped leaf which is the sexual phase in the life of a fern. For further information on how a fern plant sexual reproduces please refer to pg 70-71 of textbook.


This small planarian, a flatworm, was cut into two pieces, both lived. This is a picture of them 8 days later. Notice the head part, on the left, is growing a new tail. The original tail part, on the right, already has new eye spots, showing that a new head is developing. Regrowth of missing parts is called regeneration. In one more weeks time we would be able to see two fully developed planarians.


One month priory to the picture you drew this large leaf was cut from a plant, and placed in the soil with the leaf stalk buried. During this time the plant created a new root structure which allowed it to be a completely individual, independent plant. The plant was able to do so by using non-reproductive parts (stem, roots).