Welcome to your interactive science experience. You will be able to view lessons, copy worksheets, and get review work from this interactive website. Also, this website will have links posted for you to follow to gain a more in-depth understanding of the topics that we cover in class. Now, scroll thorugh, click on the links, send me emails and enjoy! (pg ref. from SCIENCE POWER 9 McGraw-Hill textbook)

Saturday, January 08, 2005


Today in class we learned the correct order of our 9 planets starting at the centre of our solar system ( the sun) and traveling away from it. Please note you will have to know this and any other types of materials or structures that belong in space as well. ( Meteors, comets, asteroids, ect)


The sun is our planets source for heat and light. Without the sun we would not have any energy to live adn therefore we would be non-exsistant without it.
To give you a better idea on how large our yellow star ( the sun) is we can fit approximately 1.33 million planet earths inside the sun to fill up its volume.

The sun is made up of 2 types of gases. Hydrogen and Helium.
The sun is constantly undergoing nuclear reactions called fusion. What is happening because of the great temperature of the sun ( its core is 15, 000, 000 degrees Celsius) and the pressure of gravity is is converting its hydrogen gas into helium gas. The core of the sun is made up of helium. Just to give you an idea on how much gas is being changed, the sun is converting 600 tonns of hydrogen every second.

Next week you will learn what is goingto happen to our yellow star ( the sun) when there is no hydrogen left to burn. It is going to amaze you!


1. The core - the area of the sun where nuclear reactions (fusion) takes place. It is in the centre of the sun

2. The photosphere - this region is located just under the outer layer of the sun. This is where light originates from and the temperature of this layer is about 6,000 degrees Celsius.

3. Solar flares - these are usually beside the sun spots and are areas that release subatomic particles and energy.

4. Sun spots - these are teh darker areas of the sun's surface. THis happens beacuse these spots are actually cooler than the surrounding area. Sun spots cycle about every 11 years. In this year of 2005 we are able to see many more of them.

5. The corona - the outer atmosphere layer of the esun. This can be seen clearly during an eclipse. It resembles the top flame colours of a candle. However, the coronas temperature is about a 1, 000, 000 degrees Celsius.

6. Solar prominences - these are streams or jets of gas that arch into space from the sun. They can reach up to a few thousand kilometers in size.


Please read and take notes on pg 435 to 442 on the two models of the solar system.
Please answer questions 1 - 5 on pg 442.

For further reading please read pg 443 - 445 to get an over view of the sun and the correct arrangemt of the 9 planets in order.


  • At 10:30 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Could somebody explain #1 on page 442?....i dont understand it, thanks

  • At 2:21 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Mr. Smith,
    It's Nadia and Amanda and we were wondering if we shoudl include mitosis in our project as we have already finsihed meiosis. (Our project is the development of the microscope and how it helped understand the process fo reproduction). We were also unsure if our constellation was Casopeia or Cassiopeia or if they were the same thing, because when we researched Casopeia the results came up with another language or with the word Cassiopeia. When we researched Cassiopeia it came out with results in English. So if you could let us know about these questions it would eb very helpful. Thank you!
    Nadia and Amanda

  • At 3:38 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Mr Smith!

    Its Katie and Samantha. We are working hard on our project and we have a couple questions. Our topic is: Discus and research how nuclear medician(ultrasounds)depends on the knowledge of atomic and molecular structures. Okay, from our understanding we have information on how the ultrasound works, why nuclear medicine is not involved the molectular and atomic strucutes, is this just saying describe in detail about how it works..we cannot find ANYTHING on the atoms and molecules..could you help us and we will being our project in tomorw for you to clarify. Thanks so much.
    K8e and Sami

  • At 4:26 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Mr. Smith!

    It's Chelsey and Steph, again! Here is a list of specific careers that we looked up as reproductive biology careers:
    Animal Breeders
    Animal Scientists
    Medical Scientists
    Natural Sciences Managers
    They were all found on the American Society for Reproductive Sciences. Could you help us decide on one that would match the criteria that you are specifically looking for.
    Thank you so much!

    Chelsey and Stephanie

  • At 5:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Is there going to be a post for today?

  • At 7:44 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    8:45... still no post wont be able to do the last part of the little assignment we had.. thanks

  • At 6:14 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Mr. Smith it's Nadia and Amanda!
    I know you're probably fed up with our questions on our project but, we have a question about the APA style format. We have used it on essays and had to to write the reference after each paragraph. We were wondering if we had to do that at the end of each slide or just at the end of the slide show on a Reference page. Thanks!
    Nadia and Amanda


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