Welcome to your interactive science experience. You will be able to view lessons, copy worksheets, and get review work from this interactive website. Also, this website will have links posted for you to follow to gain a more in-depth understanding of the topics that we cover in class. Now, scroll thorugh, click on the links, send me emails and enjoy! (pg ref. from SCIENCE POWER 9 McGraw-Hill textbook)

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Hello my grade 9's.

Well the term is officially done, and I hope that you have had a wee bit of fun and don't think that science is boering anymore. I know I have enjoyed the time and things that I have learned from and about all of you.

We have had some special times from our first quiz (98% class average), to winning the pumkin carving contest, to then scarfing down a lot of pizzaand a few pops. Learning how chemicals can change things in a lab, to how we have changed our own community by bringing in 500 + cans to win yet another food prize.

We have faced and challenged the shockingly-crazy circle of death and survived. ( Well except that exchange student, poor soul they will be missed, but in away it gave us one more of those dreaded yet all important microviewer to do a lab in partners.) I have learned that a few of you will consume vast amounts of doghnuts only if there were fewer calories, while other shoveled them in so quick they almost sucked in their own hand! YIKES! Ahhh but alas, with the last day today of playing SIMPARDY the final exam review, and some people being scared and fearful of hippo-sequptiously-potomus-phobia ( what ever that was?) is complete and so is this course. I thank you all for a great semister and again thank you for all the great things we have shared.

I hope that each and everyone of you has learned someting from myself, the class and the course.
No, seriously, you better have learned something from this course as the exam is FEB 2nd at 8:00am.

Just incase you haven't or need that little bit of encouragement or help I am making our last blog page.
This page is so you can quiz one another, answer each others questions or in dire need ask me to clarify something, as I will not give anything up about the exam except this:

100 Questions all scan tron, so make sure you bring a pencil, a good eraser and a calculator.

GOOD LUCK! Hope to see you in the hallways, and hopefully not running in the opposite direction away screaming...lookout here is that weird science guy again.


  • At 10:18 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 4:04 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 4:48 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 5:23 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Mr.Smith, I was just wondering if they are going to have a periodic table in the exam. If they don't do we need to know just the first 20 elements or are there questions where we will have to know other elements that are not the first 20. Thanks!!


  • At 5:46 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Mr. Smith, I was just wondering if we need to know the electrostatic series for the exam. Thanks so much!!

  • At 8:54 p.m., Blogger Mr. V. T. Smith said…

    The exam is starts at 8:30am (officially start writting) you should be there around 8:00am so you can get into your seat and hand in a textbook incase you haven't.

    To answer the sexual reproduction question if we have studied it it can be fair game on the exam.

    As for the periodic table question I answered that one allready in class today. If you didn't hear me think what I had your learn in chemistry and why do you think so?

  • At 8:24 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    can u post our marks with updated marks for the culminating pros before the exams.

  • At 9:41 a.m., Blogger Mr. V. T. Smith said…

    UNFORTUNATELY I will not post any updated marks on the web. I believe marks are individual and private. However if you would like to see your culminating mark, please stop in on tuesday Feb 1st as I will have them marked and evaluated by then.

  • At 5:58 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If we want to see our marks on Tuesday February 1st should we come to the class or to your workroom?

  • At 10:05 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 5:48 a.m., Blogger Mr. V. T. Smith said…

    To all those who wish to know your mark for the culminating or your updated grade before the exam.
    The only day I will have that information ready will be on Tuesday Feb 1st. I will be in my work room or in the biology room preparing for next term. If you cannot make it then you can ask me on Wed morning befoe the exam.

    Good luck and hope studying is going well.

    V. Smith

  • At 10:41 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mr. Smith, what are the formulas we should study for the Chemistry unit?

  • At 12:36 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Mr. Smith, on the exam are they going to have diagrams that we have to label? Thanks!!!

  • At 12:40 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I was looking through my notes and course kits and I can't seem to find anything about internal and external fertilization. I was wondering if some one could explain that for me. thanks!

  • At 5:40 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, could anyone tell me the different types of stars and their properties? Thanks so much!!

  • At 2:52 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Internal fertilization is when the fertilization occurs inside the female, and external fertilization occurs outside into the environment. Most aquatic animals use external fertilization, as the sperm can swim through the water to the egg.

  • At 3:28 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I was wondering what we need to no about human reproductive system? Do we need to know anything about pregnancy? Do we have to know alot of definitions in this area?

  • At 3:59 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    what do we need to know about the planets?

  • At 4:02 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    im so stressed out right now!!!!!

  • At 4:15 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 8:23 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    mr.smith, help me!!!!

  • At 11:22 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    eh stop whinning if you study you will get more than well shouldnt be that hard right mr.smith

  • At 11:41 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 12:05 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sir! I have one final question! What do we have to know for the electrostatic series? thank you so very much

  • At 12:50 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Stop trying to get spoon fed, & study.

  • At 1:03 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey everyone!
    it's the day before the exam. i hope you're all studying really hard....i know i am! i'm sure that everyone will do great and i have faith in us. mr. smith himself did say we are one of the smartest grade 9 classes he's ever taught so let's prove him right! good luck everyone!

  • At 2:18 p.m., Blogger Mr. V. T. Smith said…

    Hello students,
    Wow, looks like many of you are studying very dilligantly which is fantastic! Many of you are asking the same questions over and over. So here is a hint to what is on the exam......

    Go back to this blog posting and see what you should have been studying. This is why I posted it 4 weeks ago.

    Good Luck and I shall see you tomorrow and make sure you eat a wholesome and healthy breakfast and get a good nights sleep tonight as well.

  • At 9:40 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    u know what we need on this site mr.smith?..we need to post that pic that we took the last day of school!

  • At 6:53 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey!! i was wondering if tomorrow (thurs. feb 3rd)is a regular school day? Could you respond asap...thanks a bunch!

  • At 10:27 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey, im pretty sure that tomorow isnt a regular day. i think u can just go in and check ur mark..but im not sure.

  • At 11:26 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    does anybody kneo if for turn around day u get another class shcedule beacuse i lost mine

  • At 2:27 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh my goodness! no more science. i'm going to miss winning stuff like donuts and pizza:Di'll miss you guys and mr. smith too. have a great semester two and i'll see you around.


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